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  • joneswilliamc1

🎉 Celebrating a Year of Achievements at Leynek Medical!

Leynek Medical Community, as we bid farewell to 2023, we're ecstatic to look back on an extraordinary year filled with significant milestones and growth. From the moment we officially incorporated in January, 2023, Leynek Medical has been on a remarkable journey, and it's all thanks to the unwavering support of our incredible community.


Here's a snapshot of our key achievements in 2023:


 🌐  Engaging Industry Partners : From March through December, we proudly became members of key programs such as Invest Ottawa, MaRS, Innovation Factory, H2i, ECHO Program, Vector Institute FastLane, Schulich Startups, and OBIO . These partnerships have been instrumental in shaping our trajectory.


Â đŸ’ŒÂ Â Acquiring Investment Capital: In late May, we earned the trust and support of our first Angel Investor. In June, Leynek was then honoured to receive our first grant from the NFCDC thriveForward program, with follow on from ElevateIP and Invest Ottawa Path Fund Competition. Significant milestones that fuelled our growth and development.


🎓 Innovation through Education : Welcoming students, we embraced education as our core value, bringing fresh perspectives to the team and executing key projects. More education research partnerships underway for  2024!


Â đŸ€Â Â Expanding the Team: We welcomed Thomas Fletcher as our new CTO. William’s industry expertise and medical technology know-how is complimented by Thomas’ entrepreneurial experience and embedded software background.  A powerhouse executive team!  

 🚀  Hardware Unit # 1: Achieving a significant engineering milestone, we completed our first prototype hardware unit in September—a tangible representation of our progress and commitment to innovation.


Â đŸ“±Â ReneCare Platform Launch: From October to December,  we evolved the ReneCare software platform based on conversations with payers, providers and patient stakeholders.


A heartfelt thank you to our incredible team, investors, partners, and the Leynek Medical community! Your dedication and support have fuelled our journey, and we can't wait to embrace 2024 with you at our side.


Here's to a year of achievements, growth, and endless possibilities!


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